As someone who decided to specialize in marketing by choice, I’m well aware of the allure that accounts of behavioral insights being employed effectively in marketing & advertising naturally possess. After all, it’s not everyone’s cuppa tea. The neat fits I’m referring to are far and few. You and I are possibly bored to death […]
Author: snehashispanda
RR#17: 77 Dream Songs
Putting this out there for posterity: I don’t register lyrics at all. Yes, I’m the kind of person who thought Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People was a cool song till someone pointed out what the lyrics hinted. I will still hold on to say that it does sound cool and that’s all that […]
RR#16: Estuary
In a world where everything is straightforward and where perfection prevails, what work does the writer have? It is the world where ugly habits prevail, where rules are broken, a world with no values, a world of greed and desire and cruelty, a world that has rotted from all these that best lends itself to […]
Today’s post is a tad bit delayed than usual. I typically do a certain degree of due diligence before plunging myself into reading something but clearly, I haven’t been paying a great deal of attention of late. No guys, I did not pick up a Kindle Unlimited erotica but actually ended up reading volume 1 […]
Curating unbiased accounts of real-life events has always been a tough ask. Particularly in the current atmosphere, where the advantages of information asymmetry have been pummelled by the sheer spread of fake news or doctored events. Anything and everything cited has to be thoroughly verified or you risk contracting severe foot-in-the-mouth disease. In a refreshing […]
RR#13: Memetic
Let’s just put it this way: I love memes. Dank, starter pack, football, garlic bread – I’m not picky, I love them universally. As a creator, I usually play on the safer side – sticking to clean comedy rather than being too edgy (each of them has its pros and cons). Which one’s my favourite […]
RR#12: The Little Prince
Despite having encountered mentions of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry across media, I never got around picking up the book. People I know have spoken extremely highly about it and somehow I stray away from the hype unless I got on to the train before everyone did. Today seemed like the perfect day […]
RR#11: Not to Disturb
For most Gen-Z folks, dank memes might be a steady supply of dark humour but it’s interesting to note that the setup has been around for a while. 18th Century works such as Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and Voltaire’s Candide are supposed forerunners for the style but it was French Surrealist Andre Breton’s Anthology of […]
I knew of Clarice Lispector in passing, a residual by-product of some superficial mapping of famous South American authors long ago. Beyond the usual names, very rarely do you see them being hyped as much as their European or Asian counterparts. Or maybe it’s just my lack of initiative, probably. But somehow the name stuck […]
RR#9: Multiple Choice
Multiple-choice questions are extremely polarising. Depending on whether they’ve enabled you or completely wrecked your self-worth (most entrance exams in India use some form of MCQ-based selection/elimination), you look back at them wondering what that life was like. The spectrum is wide, the thrill from gaming the system – finding a unique way to solve […]