Reinvigorating Reading

The Compounding Conundrum

I’ve always believed an effective combination of hard work powered by smart measures makes for a decent shot at practically anything. (Never thought I’d be able to say that with a straight face, but here we are) However, I can frankly admit the considerable efforts I’ve tend to put in over the years, across a wide spectrum of interests, personal and professional have been very inconsistent in nature. I’ve worked hard (or at least I think I have) but mostly in bursts or extended periods and then burned out subsequently. I intend to do something about this in 2021.

The Inspiration
Compounding returns

I’m sure you must have come across this image once at least, perhaps as a Whatsapp forward by that enthusiastic uncle you’re trying to avoid, the interwebz if you’ve been around for a while or just every other LinkedIn post these days. I’ve never been one for New Year resolutions but having watched folks reap the benefits of compounding returns across writing, podcasting, financial investments, quizzing to name a few. I believe it’s time I took a plunge of my own.

As cliched as it sounds, I was one of those kids – devouring books like there was no tomorrow. Many a summer holiday has gone by hooked on to a fleshy paperback. Between college, work, and all the other sundries that life brings along – most notably time hooks like Twitter and Reddit – my reading habits have gone for a toss. People must be tired of hearing me complain about my attention span reducing to that of a squirrel. I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands, in the best way I know. Diving into the deep end, immersing myself but with a twist this time.

The Solution

A no holds barred approach to resurrect my reading habits. 365 books. 365 days. This is an attempt to see whether a consistent investment in a particular activity works for me. I will consistently record my progress here – as frankly as it gets. This is not a book review series necessarily but rather chronicling how I intend to get back to being reading seriously. I will log my reading journey on a daily basis with additional thoughts about the book of the day. While I have a particular liking for autobiographies, sporting non-fiction, and fantasy fiction, I’m up for any genre. I will try to mix it up – within the week itself and across the board ensuring that there’s a good spread.

Reinvigorating Reading
Reinvigorating my reading patterns. 1 day at a time.
See you on the other side!

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